My name’s Ethan and this is my blog, Ethan and Gordon. Just
like Ontario, it’s yours to discover.
This blog is inspired by the movie Julie and Julia, where an
amateur cook named Julie, takes on the frustrating task of perfectly recreating
a legendary chef’s own recipes. For my celebrity counterpart, I have chosen
Gordon Ramsay. *You may remember him from such favourites as: Hell’s Kitchen,
MasterChef, and Kitchen Nightmares.
Each week I’ll be channeling my inner Ramsay and cooking up a
new challenging dish. I’ll be narrating the situation as it happens and
seasoning it with some pictures along the way.
I've actually always wanted to have my own comedy-cooking
show, where I do a mediocre job of cooking and an above-average job of making the
audience laugh. With this newfangled technology called the Internet taking off
as it is, a blog is a perfect pseudo for that show.
So Come Dine with Me Canada (is that a copyright?) or
anywhere else in the world you’re reading from. Let’s have some fun and maybe
even learn something new. Each week I’ll post the recipe I cook so you can give
them a try for yourself if you’d like. I look forward to cooking for you all,
and I hope you keep coming back for seconds.
Now let’s cook.